Wednesday, October 24, 2018

My First Visit to South Alabama

My very first visit to South Alabama went a little something like this:

I knew I would be graduating from a community college soon and I needed to have the next best plan for myself. I had a friend that was already a student here at South that told me to schedule a visit to see if I could get a feel for it or not. She had already bribed me about the Nursing department advances and new technology. All of her many accomplishments pushed me to visit. I scheduled a tour with one of my friends who formerly attended South.

I was excited, and just amazed at how well kept the campus was. At first, I thought the campus was huge and I thought to myself, "how am I going to make it around everyday on this big campus," just to find out that they offered jag trans to take you to different locations on campus.

I toured and just started falling in love bit by bit. The final stop was the Rec Center on campus and it had me sold. I wanted to attend South Alabama with other various reasons such as how peaceful it felt, they offered my major which was Nursing with all of their greatest technology to help you become the best nurse, and I would not be too far from home.

Here I am a few months later, starting my first transfer year here at South and I absolutely love it.

Always remember to stay encouraged, and always have a back up plan. Tour different schools to get the feel of each of them and do not go off "word of mouth," because your feelings are totally different from others and what they might have interest in may not be your taste. Also, be willing to put in the work, while staying dedicated and focused. If at first you think you may need assistance with school work, advice, etc, seek help. There is help everywhere on campus.

Come join us and get a feel of The University of South Alabama for yourself.

As always, GO JAGSSSSSS!!


I have learned a lot about myself since becoming a Jag. I have learned my strengths and my weakness. There are at least 3 main things that I...