Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"JAG Life"

A week in my Jag Life consists of attending my regular scheduled classes, while rushing to get work done, and also dealing with my personal life. I meet new and familiar faces everyday.
My week is always long, but when I hear that USA Day is near the excitement is uncontrollable.
Pictures always are better than words.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"Growing" outside of the classroom . . .

College is a BIG adjustment. Distance, making new friends, and learning how to survive on your own are some of the few adjustments.
Although, sometimes we (college students) think that we have it all figured out, we soon learn that we need reassurance; even about the most simplest things.

College has taught me so much beyond the classroom:
There is no such thing as "MY" way when you enter into this big world.
I have learned to become more in-tune with myself , while learning humbleness.
I have been found to call my mom a little bit more than I would, because her opinion matters within in my life and I know that she wouldn't lead me in the wrong direction.
When trying to find out information, find out for yourself. Word of mouth will hold you back.

You've got to enter college with a GOAL and whether the plans change on getting to the goal, you have to STICK TO THE GOAL. No one said that getting to your dreams would be easy.
I have learned that I am young and there is no reason to be down and out about anything. LIVE RESPONSIBLY.

There are so many ways to get connected/learn about leadership on campus.
The way someone else sees something is not always wrong. The same way you have an opinion about life, jobs, or anything is the same way others have one.
It takes a strong minded, and strong willed person to take on leadership roles.

RESPECT takes you a long way and having an encounter with someone, whether it is good or bad can leave an impression on you. THINK SMART!

Critical Thinking and Involvement is very important.
Thinking outside of the box and being open minded is a great way to meet new people. Critical thinking helps you get invloved more and often helps come up with a great solution.
Involvement in your school setting is also very important. You meet people that can be a major help in the long run; as far as recommendation and etc.



I have learned a lot about myself since becoming a Jag. I have learned my strengths and my weakness. There are at least 3 main things that I...