Sunday, April 14, 2019

One piece of advice !

You learn something new everyday, weather you were looking forward to it or not.
Starting college is a new and different challenge.
You don't have all the answers and it seems like everyday or every other day something comes up. So, you end up worrying your significant other, parents, friends, and etc.
That is why it is always good to have a listening ear or someone who understands and will guide you on this path.
If I could back in time and give myself one piece of advice before I started my journey, it would be "Don't get to comfortable."
Life is what you make it, and however you react whenever it throws at you, will be the turnout,
As I stated above, "it seems like everyday or every other day something comes up," if you're prepared and not too comfortable you will know in a cetrain way of how to deal with things.

Stay one step ahead.
Image result for meme of dont get too comfortable

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